What We're Thankful for at Spytec GPS


November 24, 2021



The groceries are bought, the food prep has begun, and Thanksgiving 2021 is officially underway.

Like many families and friends gathered around the table, our team at Spytec GPS would like to take a moment to share our gratitude. And for us, the thing we're most grateful for is what we consider to be the most important part of our business—our customers.

Our customers are essential to everything we do and to why we exist. From the features we design and implement to the ways we offer support, we set our customers as our north star. In fact, customer feedback is a major driver for how we make decisions across the business. We aim to do what’s best for our customers and we couldn’t do what we do without them. 

So, to our customers, we say: thank you. Here's what our team members have to say about our gratitude for the people and businesses we get to serve.


David Dawson, VP of Sales

"Today and always, I’m thankful our customers trust our product and team with the wellbeing of their businesses. Our customers’ willingness to share details of their experiences and needs is the driving force in how we develop and improve Spytec GPS. I’m so thankful for the partnerships and friendships we have built and how each of our customers allows us to be part of their business."


Ilyssa Kanan, Account Executive

"Happy Thanksgiving to our wonderful Spytec GPS customers! I’m grateful for the business owners and managers we get to find solutions for. Helping your teams and your businesses is a privilege I look forward to every day, and I’m so glad we get to lighten your load and make running your business easier."


Jasmine Enlow, Sales Development Representative

"Our customers are the heartbeat of our company. I love getting to listen to the problems they’re trying to solve and creating a solution that works specifically for each of their businesses. Thank you for partnering with us. You’re the reason we’re here."


TJ Chasteen, Solutions Architect

"I love learning from our customers. We are lucky enough to have a client base that runs the gamut of small business types, and learning about what they do and how GPS can help them solve issues is incredibly rewarding. Our customers help make us a better company with a better product, and we're grateful for their input."


Natalie Barzilai, Customer Success Lead

"I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to all the wonderful clients I work with. Communicating with you all every day makes my job so enjoyable. Our customers are the best and we couldn’t do what we do without you. I hope you all have a truly happy Thanksgiving!"



Want to meet more of our awesome team? We're ready and excited to help with your challenges. Get in touch with us here and one of our team members will meet you soon!


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